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Why Is My Throat Swollen And Sore

Very occasionally they can be caused by bacteria. Most of the time it is a symptom of allergies a cold or the flu. A Very Swollen Uvula Sore Scratchy Throat And Tight Feeling In The Throat Are Symptoms Most Likely Caused By What Kind Of Throat Infection Quora However be aware of less obvious reasons that might require a. Why is my throat swollen and sore . A sore throat can also be caused by. The symptoms are similar for children but children can also get a temperature and appear less active. Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke can cause a scratchy or sore throat along with worsened asthma bronchitis emphysema and more. What can cause a sore throat and swollen glands. Your sore throat could also be the result of a strep throat infection. Strep throat is one possible cause of a sore throat and swollen glands. This will irritate the throat and uvula potentially causing swelling and inflammation. Causes of sore throats. The throat or pharynx is located within th...

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